Why Make Smile Repair Your New Year's Resolution?
Your smile says so much about you. If yours isn't relaying the…
What Makes Tooth Fillings Fall Out?
Can you tell if your tooth filling fell out? If you’ve recently…
Do You Need A Dental Appointment After the Holidays? 4 Signs
The holidays are a time when people eat a lot of sugar. This…
5 Prevailing Myths About Cavities
A cavity—a point of deterioration on a tooth that can be anything…
3 Important Ways to Keep Your Teeth Clean
Keeping your teeth clean can prevent cavities and bad breath.…
Worried Your Teeth Aren't As White As They Used to Be? What You Can Do
Teeth have a way of losing their whiteness over time. This is…
Can My Child Get Professional Teeth Whitening?
When your child was younger, they likely had white teeth. But…
4 Myths About Dental Care for the Elderly
Once you or a loved one reaches the age of 65, their overall…