4 Tips For Getting Over Dental Anxiety
Thousands of people around the world suffer from dental anxiety. The signs of dental anxiety include avoiding going to the dentist, nausea, trembling, sweating and a racing heart. For those who suffer from dental anxiety, the very thought of a simple visit to the dentist is terrifying. [...]
How Do You Know If You Need to Sleep with a Nightguard?
Taking good care of your teeth is all about regular dental checkups and good oral hygiene, but even if you do all of this, there could be another issue affecting the health of your teeth: bruxism. [...]
Steps to Success When getting Your Dentures
According to Boston Magazine, many adults over the age of 50 have lost at least 12 of their teeth. [...]
Dentist in Long Beach, CA
A Range of Dental Services in One Stop If you’re looking for an expert dentist in Long Beach, CA or the surrounding areas, look to Dr. Andy Tang’s office on Anaheim Road. [...]
What Can You Do to Prevent Tooth Enamel Loss?
Tooth enamel is important because it serves as a protective barrier between the food you consume and the sensitive roots and tissues that lie within. [...]
Six Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
Do you hide your smile from others due to embarrassment over how your teeth look? Cosmetic dentistry can restore your self-confidence, and porcelain veneers are one of the best methods. [...]
Benefits of Dental Implants
There are many reasons for having a smile that's less than perfect. You may have lost a tooth in a fall or car accident; you may have lost a tooth due to decay, or your teeth may have shifted unattractively as you've gotten older. [...]
Cosmetic Dentistry FAQ
If you have chipped, crooked, or stained teeth, then you may be considering cosmetic dentistry. At Dr. Andy Tang in Long Beach, California, we offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures. [...]