Which Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure Can Improve My Smile This Year?

If you have damaged, injured, or stained teeth, you may hesitate…

How Much Does a Full Smile Makeover Cost?

A full smile makeover references a treatment plan that is designed…
Woman smiling holding invisalign Braces

The Most Common Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Have you been looking for a dentist to do some cosmetic dentistry…

Why Make Smile Repair Your New Year's Resolution? 

Your smile says so much about you. If yours isn't relaying the…

Could a Smile Makeover Truly Change Your Life?

Those who are confident with their smile flash their teeth just…

Is It Time to Get Your Denture Partial Replaced?

A well-made partial denture can last for many years with the…
long beach dentist office

Six Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Do you hide your smile from others due to embarrassment over how your teeth look? Cosmetic dentistry can restore your self-confidence, and porcelain veneers are one of the best methods. [...]

Benefits of Dental Implants

There are many reasons for having a smile that's less than perfect. You may have lost a tooth in a fall or car accident; you may have lost a tooth due to decay, or your teeth may have shifted unattractively as you've gotten older. [...]

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQ

If you have chipped, crooked, or stained teeth, then you may be considering cosmetic dentistry. At Dr. Andy Tang in Long Beach, California, we offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures. [...]

How To Prolong Professional Teeth Whitening Results

After you invest in professional teeth whitening, it’s natural that you would like to prolong the results for as long as possible. [...]