4 Tips to Make Tooth Brushing Effective
Tooth brushing seems simple, but not everyone does it the right…
Why Make Smile Repair Your New Year's Resolution?
Your smile says so much about you. If yours isn't relaying the…
What Makes Tooth Fillings Fall Out?
Can you tell if your tooth filling fell out? If you’ve recently…
Do You Need A Dental Appointment After the Holidays? 4 Signs
The holidays are a time when people eat a lot of sugar. This…
4 Myths About Dental Care for the Elderly
Once you or a loved one reaches the age of 65, their overall…
How do You Know When to Remove Your Wisdom teeth?
When the time comes for the wisdom teeth to erupt, there is very…
Teeth Cleanings Benefit More Than Just the Teeth
The tartar that accumulates on the teeth houses bacteria, these…
5 Signs of Oral Cancer to be Aware Of
As your dentist in Long Beach, Dr Andy Tang wants you to enjoy…
5 Things Every Parent Should Know About Baby Teeth
When you have a new baby, you will spend plenty of time looking…